We Are The Dreamers!

We Are The Dreamers!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


WAH!!! It's been really a long long long long long time since I visited this blog... Sorry larh~~~ anyway, kinda proud that I can still remember the email and the password... Teeheee~~~

Oh well... I don't know what to update here, because basically my life, u guys know kinda well... Xin Er and Shieh Er is always on Line, Ding I meet in college in the same class somemore, Yuan Ting, oh yeah, I skyped with her two days ago, and Lined her a lot too recently... (Sorry for having such a troublesome friend here... But I know you guys like it... Hahaha!!! *perasan*) Wendy, erm... I know u live well!!! ^_^

Have we changed??? I wondered...

It has been a long time since I meet Yuan ting, and I am really glad that she is still the Yuan Ting that's so Yuan Ting!!! really happy that u still spare your time for me listening to my stories... Haha!!! And of yeah, I just can't wait for a face-to-face talk with you!!! ^_^ one thing that I really really glad is that, we aren't awkward during the Skype chat, and it's just so went on and on and on so smoothly~~~ Really glad that u were interested in my stories... And I know u were glad that I remembered our promises!!! Didnt take a picture that day though, because we both just look not presentable that day... Hahaha!!!

Xin Er, no need to say la this fellow... We talk and tease and scold and say whatever like nobody's business!!! And what's important here is that we aren't angry of each other doing these~~~ Hahahahahaha!!! Really glad that I have such a friend like you~~~

YSE... Oh... How sweet your love life is~~~ Bringing back those form one memories... OMG!!! Those pictures that we look super ugly!!! I just laugh my tears out!!! Complaining myself looking so ugly, somehow, actually, I still appreciate that u kept those pictures!!! Yeah... Imagine us looking at those photos when we are grandmas~~~ I wonder if my heart can take it or not... Warn me before showing me those pictures ok!!! I need to be mentally prepared!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Ah Ding a~~~ the perfect best friend that not everyone can have, and yeah, I have you as my classmate!!! (Oops... I m not being possessive here... Don't get me wrong, I m normal!!!) u still have the aura that, even we are friends for so long, but I still won't dare to scold (oh well, nothing for me to scold actually) or tickle u, like what I did to Xin Er... Hahaha!!! How can I do such things to the goddess Ding??? It's a sin!!! Hahaha!!! I am glad that u become more open and cheerful and friendly and sociable in college!!! Although I wanted to call u "Yan Wen" so much, but Haiz... Still unable to change that "Ding"~~~ T_T

Wendy Wendy Wendy~~~ seriously... I don't know what to say... (Sorry larh~~~~~~~~~~~~ didn't have much contact with you...) I think u changed really a lot!!!!!! From head to toes, yeah, that's a Wendy that I m not really familiar with... Seriously, if u didnt call my name the other day, I can't recognise you... One funny experience is that u wore high heels to college, and I thought u grew taller!!! HAHAHAHAHA... I can see you being happy and comfortable with your life, as a friend, that's already a good news!!! ^_^ Btw, I just realised that u deleted your blog??? I have so much vocab to learn from your blog wehy!!! Especially those emo blog that I wasn't mature enough to understand last time, I just felt like reading them again... ^_^

So yeah... I wonder who will be the last one realising me posting this up... (I got a feeling, it should be Ding...) Leave comments yo!!!