We Are The Dreamers!

We Are The Dreamers!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Will Be There Next Year


See what i have got. 

*drums roll*

 Do you know whose kid is this?
I bet you don't. 
Keep going.

 Dang dang dang!
He's alfred son, Ryan!
Mr Alfred looks so Apek-ish. haahha.

 His wife and youngest kid. ( not sure it's a girl or boy )

yet he still looks adorableee. *melts*

Pictures credit to Wong De Xian..

Monday, February 14, 2011

Laziness Bums Into Me

My resentment towards cny has totally gone.
Spending cny with friends and family was absolutely a ...


Let's talk about the party at Shieh Er's place.
I think it was really fun except for the part that wendy couldn't make it.
The beginning part was awkward as usual.
I tried to talk more to light up the atmosphere but the others were motionless.
So i had nothing to do except for eating. I ate and ate, non-stop, like seriously. (can see my size now)
After that, it got better. everyone started talking.
Bryau Lau came out with a brilliant idea of playing 'bang bang bang'.
All of us knew the answer behind it except for wei khit.
This part was funny.
He racked his head for the answer and finally he did. One point for you, wei khit! haha

We had a surprise for xin er too.
Wei khit bought the cake secretly, without her knowing.
and suddenly, we off all the lights, and sang her birthday song.
Awww...were you surprised, er er? :))
Of course we gambled after that. I won 2 bucks back. Hahah.
but suck, i still lost. 

Group picture of the day

I seriously want to thank her mummy and daddy for everything.
They prepared all the food, tables, chairs.
They bought new pot, new tv, new camera, new bowls and spoons.
and they cleaned the place after all the chaos, without words of complain.
On top of that, her mom took all the pictures of us.
I really appreciate all the hard work they had done.
Thank you.

The next day, which was yesterday, i invited some of my friends to my house.
Invited around 20 people but only 9 persons turned up which were shieh er, xin er, xy, cheryl, rav, yen chyi, jaspret, ashwathi menon and ashwathi nambiar.
But i was still happy they came. haha. :D
They came to my house, and went rav's and cheryl's house after that.
Suck again, i lost RM 7 at cheryl's house. sighh.
Never mind. haha once a year right? *consoling myself :)

New korean drama to introduce.
*drums roll* 

I like them being together. 
Awww.. *daydreaming*

Am too tired to go to school today. Lol. pardon me.

Wendyyy, it's your first day to school today and i am absent.
You must be bery bery sad. i know i know. :(

Till here.

''If you want to feel rich,

just count the things you have that money can't buy''


Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Think I Am Not Alright

Happy Chinese New Year
buddies men
I know i'm kinda late but late is better than never right?
say YES.

School is starting tomorrow. OhKillMePlease. 
Time passes bloody fast.
I don't want go back to school so early. 

Reason Number One: When it comes to school, it reminds me of homework. *eats shit*
Reason Number Two: It reminds me of hell LOTS of homework.
Reason Number Three: I'm still in cny mood.
Reason Number Four: How am i suppose to do my homework when i am still in cny mood? 
Reason Number Five: No school, no homework. a simple formula.
Reason Number Six: Wait, is there any more?
Reason Number Seven: oh yeah (Just wanna add on)
Reason Number Eight : I need more time to think.
Reason Number Nine : Think of what? Something lah. 
Reason Number Ten: I can't believe you are reading my craps. *slaps your own forehead*

But in a way, i want to go back to school. 
During cny period, i merely rot at home, wasting my time. 
I mean, i did visit people's house but most of time, 
i was just building castle in the air, thinking all the nonsense and rubbish.
Like what the hell.
I felt so bo yong, useless and tak ada guna

Should i still talk about Sunway Lagoon? 
I'll post up the essay when i get back my pendrive kay? 

Don't lah merajuk. 
Mummy promise you that i'll definitely post it up alright? 
Guai lah, you are such a good girl. :) 
Mummy sayang har. 

'Things don't happen for no reason. 
They happen to teach you something.'

Friday, February 4, 2011


Dear sekalian,

I've finally got hold of a card reader and uploaded those pictures we took using my camera! I couldn't stop laughing when I looked at those pictures! HAHAHA EPIC BETUL LAH!

Previews :


Want more epicness and orange-ness?

Enjoy!! :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here it goes!

Alright, speaking of the trip to Sunway Lagoon, perfect yet imperfect. Its the first trip ever of us with Low but yet regretful that Ding can’t make it and Wendy is far away at Turkey. Wearing the same BRIGHT ORANGE shirts made stepping out off the car the hardest time ever. Lol…!

So, the first game we head straight to was the 360 degrees pirate ship. Low and Syt didn’t have the second thought heading for it while Shieh Er and I stood back and watched. Alright, we are coward, so what?! Lol! Though not being able to experience on my own but watching Low’s reaction made the entire trip paid off. She started off sreaming for fun and shouted at the top of her lungs and ended up muting all the way. Typical man! Oh well, Shieh Er and I did watch down there sreaming on behalf of them. How good can we be!

I guess the next game was the roller coaster. I thought roller coaster would be a piece of cake for me after the trip to Genting. But, ahhh, the one in Sunway is far more terrifying than the others. We were floating man. FLOATING! I thought I would be thrown out but Thx god I’m still here. Not to forget, I have to admit that I shouted the loudest among all. Embarrassing, but who cares.

The don’t-know-what-boat-game was where all the nightmare began. The flow of water was speedy and there’s where all of us got wet. I wouldn’t be daring enough to move from my seat but when the boat went near to the fountain, all I could do was holding to the handle and turn to the side while Syt moved her butt to another seat. Applause for her!! There’s the difference between the courageous and the coward ones. Sigh!

Since Shieh Er would be nauseated and so, she wouldn’t be capable to try out games which involved turning over and over. Thus, Shieh Er and Syt went for the aeroplane game. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! Lol. Low and I went for the cowboy shoes games. Low and I had a deal which was the one who shouted would have to play pirate ship. After all, Low was kind enough to change it to the boat game. A nearly 90 degree boat game.. AHHHHHHHHH! But, Shieh Er and I were up for the challenge. Lol. As if. So, there we went, it was a memorable one. I could feel my heart half-hanging in my oesophagus.

Ahh, I almost missed out this. We also tried out the roller coaster for kids. =) No fun no fun. Only had fun shouting for nothing during the ride. The kid who sat in front of me turned frequently to check me out. XD I’m just… you know having fun. Please keep your stare out of me please, if only we were to meet again next time.

Well, Syt and Low decided to try out the games in extreme park while Shieh Er and I went to the Wildlife Park. What a contrast! =.= Oh oh oh, we saw a grey eagle which was stationary and motionless on the branch. Like, is that a real one or a decoration. But Ah er told me its eyes were moving so, it wasn’t dead. We were totally amazed by how well those animals were trained.

Hmm, Ah er and I went to rent a 2-ppl float which wasn’t really worth it cause we are all tall enough. Ehehe! Later, they came to join us and we went playing most of the games that are in the wet park. Sliding down from the peak and screaming like insane really do help in releasing stress. We tried those 3 which were total open, half open with half tunnel and fully covered. We overcame our fear man. Haha!

The most horrified one among all was the one where your life depended on a mat. Oh well, I still remembered I couldn’t even shout on the way down, the feeling was just like jumping off from a building. We had fun time soaking in the water and tried our best to swim. But… =(

After having enough fun of trying out the games, we went to the beach and four of us shared one float. Maybe we should be thankful cause the float didn’t explode. Low actually jumped down from the float to push us to the deeper area but she ended up having a hard time getting back to the float. It still made me laugh to death whenever I think back of it. Oh yah, we had hard time requesting the photographer to snap photos for us man. We shouted over and over but he couldn’t pay less attention to us. Big sigh.

Overall, we had fun and sorry shieh er for the what had happened to your camera.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Short But Sweet :D

Haha Low, I'm so sorry that I'm totally not in the mood to blog about our day at Sunway Lagoon. Maybe I'll do so when the mood comes? I'm not sure when that'll happen though. xD

Okay. To put everything in a nutshell, I had heaps of fun! Like, seriously. Okay, maybe if you exclude my camera incident. The roller coaster was terrifying though, much more terrifying than those in Genting Highlands, IMO. But I loved all the Water Park games! I actually loved soaking myself in the water because it had been like... don't know how many donkey years since I last went to a swimming pool so it was fun. :D

So... Here are some of the pictures taken on that day, for Ding. Although I doubt that she visits our blog but still, OH WELL. D:

Preview :

 For more awesomeness + blurriness (because I used my suckish phone camera) :

Sigh, I've actually prepared myself to upload hundreds and hundreds of pictures but... sigh. I know you know. Anyway, Low, I'm waiting for your scans! Can't wait to have them! HAHAHA. I'll upload the pictures from my dead camera once I get hold of a card reader since my camera is like dead now. I don't dare to risk plugging my camera's cables into my laptop. Later both also die then I die. Lol.

Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. I felt like banging my head on the wall when I realised that we didn't take a picture of our watch-wristbands by Sunway Lagoon. Wasn't it such a waste? I'd totally forgotten about it. :(

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year, my dearssss! I have so many dears but you know that you're the dearest ones to me right? (Excluding family, LOL.)

May this year be a prosperous and lucky year for all of us! We need luck for SPM!!

Cheers, my dears. :D

Sunway Lagoon...

I'll make it short here ya (all just from my point of view)...

it was on the 29th January 2010 when LYOS attack Sunway Lagoon...

My dad fetch me and SYT to LXE's house, then LXE mother fetch 3 of us for breakfast (bah kut teh) and to YSE's house, then YSE's mom fetch 4 "pekerja" to Sunway Lagoon...

We are named pekerja because 4 of us are wearing orange colour t-shirt, and it was quite embarrassing to step out from the car...(sunway lagoon's pekerja also wear orange colour shirts) anyway, every steps begins with the first... and we made it...

The place wasnt very crowded, since it was a Saturday...

I was so excited once we got there... and my first game was Pirate Ship with SYT... YSE and LXE was too afraid about those exciting stuff... both of them shake their heads simultaneously when they were asked to play (i seriously can imagine the atmosphere if SYT didnt go with us... lonely playing myself...) and i found out something... tears will come out when humans scream too loudly... my sliver nearly dropped onto an Indian guy sitting in front of me when the ship went bout 90 degree ++.

I promised myself to try out G-Force and Bungee Jump, but those were too EXTREME for me when i saw those by my own eyes... but SYT and I tried out Jump Bungee instead... (sounds extreme but it's actually nothing...)

The most exciting game I played was the 2nd pirate ship (in cage) that I went with SYT... OMG !!! u just cant imagine the feeling when ur butt wasnt on the seat and ur face was directly perpendicular to the ground... all i can hold was the safety thingy... WE SCREAMED LIKE HELL !!! and ended up laughing so much... i think YSE and LXE will cry !!! surely cry !!!

Flying Fox was one of the best game too... the moment u stand on the edge, u'll find it was a bit scary... but it's ok once u try it out... i wanted to spill water on SYT when it was her turn, but my aiming wasnt good enough... anyway, i still beat SYT for the aiming part while we played Archery...

SYT, i m sorry that i didnt have the courage to go to the scream park... Ghost is one of my weakness... Maybe u can find the right person to accompany u in next time...

i still remember about the camera thingy, though. But better not to post... (after LXE advice...) tell me if u r buying a new camera ya !!! i'll "dig" out my savage...

In short, it was REALLY FUN !!! i still missed the 2nd Pirate Ship!!!

LYS !!! post it with ur point of u ya !!! i know mine wasnt a good one... and i want to know ur point of view too !!!