We Are The Dreamers!

We Are The Dreamers!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Yamada Ryosuke And Jet Li

I found something interesting today. I watched a China interview of Jet Li and Jackie Chan for the movie, The Forbidden Kingdom this afternoon. The movie was released on last year, I found it weird to see the interview now, so I kept watching it.

Well, that is not the point. While watching the interview, I think that Yamada Ryosuke looks kinda like Jet Li especially when the latter smiles. But I guess this is only my personal opinion. Anyway, here's a picture of them.


  1. so I guess Yamada will look like Jet Li when he grows old...

  2. Who is Jet Li? Lol, I mean, what is his full name? Because I don't seem to remember him. Lol.

    Well, they do somehow have resemblance though. Their smiles.

  3. Right right right?! Li Lian Jie, he's the distinguished kungfu action actor. Looks like Jet Li when he's old also not bad. At least Jet Li is internationally prominent. ;)

  4. Well.. I should say at least Jet Li is not like those kind of lau ah pek la.. Quite high class. Good for Ryosuke. xD
